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Welcome to our interactive website dedicated to exploring the phenomenon of Hikikomori.

The human being is a social creature, and the sense of belonging is crucial for overall mental health and well-being, yet there are individuals who unfortunately lack social interactions.

Hikikomori (pulling inward, shut-in) is a Japanese term describing the phenomenon where individuals isolate themselves from society, often staying in their homes or rooms for extended periods.


Within these virtual walls, we invite you to delve into the depths of this intriguing and complex societal issue through an immersive experience and thought-provoking insights. Hikikomori is not a monolithic concept, but a nuanced and multifaceted one. Each Hikikomori has their own past, struggles, and aspirations. 


At the heart of our exploration is the fictional character Yuto Tanaka. He is partially based on statistical data, and his story will act as a navigating guide to gain a deeper understanding of the intricate complexities that shape the lives of Hikikomoris, their individual pasts and diverse reasons that led them to withdraw from society.


Whether you are a curious observer, a researcher, or someone seeking to support those affected by Hikikomori, the intention of this website is to provide an inclusive and educational platform. By promoting understanding and awareness, we hope to break down the barriers and stereotypes that surround Hikikomori and contribute to a more compassionate and informed society.

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Yuto was born on May 19th 2000 in Hokkaido Japan, to Hanzo and Tsubame Tanaka.

His father, Hanzo works as a construction manager, while his mother, Tsubame takes care of the house.


In Yuto's early years, his father was very involved in his life.

Yuto's father devoted himself to building a strong bond with him.

Yuto couldn't understand why his father started spending less time with him after being promoted at work.

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Yuto's father became a distant shadow.


As a birthday gift, his mother gave him his first pair of binoculars.

He primarily spent time with his mother, exploring the beautiful nature of Hokkaido.

Their favorite game was to identify as many birds as possible based on their songs.

One day, while observing a mother bird feeding her chicks, Yuto witnessed something.

Scroll carefully!


The chicks were left behind in the nest. Yuto knew enough about birds to realize that they would not survive without their mother. He had to do something.

He convinced his mother to help him care for the orphaned chicks until they were ready to take their first flight.

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He found his happy place.

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In school, Yuto passionately gave a presentation about his knowledge of birds.

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"They called me Birdboy and broke my binoculars.

I need those binoculars."

"Yuto, stop wasting your time fooling around outside and focus on your studies."

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Seeking his fathers approval, Yuto left his passion behind.

He graduated with a degree in Data Science.

His efforts secured him a full-time position at an e-commerce company.

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Working overtime was his norm.

He became numb.

Completely exhausted, he left

the office for three hours of sleep.

Yuto never made it home.

A passing Train woke him up.


He was shocked and dazed as he realized he is going to be late for work.

He ran as fast as he could.


Close to the office he stumbled.


He was late.

"This behaviour, is unexceptable!"


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